Analysing Alarms
In the Viewing Alarms guide, we showed you how to view a Models Alarm history and filter it, but there will be times in which you need to add information around Alarms to a Dashboard for analysis purposes.
When creating or editing a Dashboard, you can add Widgets that help pull out information on how your Alarms are performing to help you see the information you need to, in a glance.
Alarms Widgets
Each of the Alarms Widgets provides similar configuration such as allowing you to filter your Alarms by Type, Model ID, Severity, Status and more to help you provide the analysis you need from your Alarms. For example, you can configure our Alarms Widgets to show you the count of Active Alarms across your Organization, or those that are Active and of a Critical Severity.
Alarms Count Widget
When added to a Dashboard, the Alarms Count Widget can provide a number of Alarms that match the configuration. For example, you can have this widget show you the count of Alarms that are of a Critical Severity and currently Active so you know an action is required.
Alarms History Table
When added to a Dashboard, the Alarms History Widget can help you understand what Alarms have occured, or are currently Active, that match your configuration. For example, you can configure it to show all of the Critical Alarms that have happened in the past week.
Top Alarms Count
When added to a Dashboard, the Top Alarms Count Widget can help you understand how often specific types of Alarms are being activated. This helps to identify which Alarms are being raised most frequently and may be indicative of optimizations that can be made to reduce your Alarm being activated as often.