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The Life Cycle of a Drug – Efficiency at Every Stage

Getting your new pharmaceutical product to the market is a long and very scrutinised process.

Automation at every stage can ensure efficiency, saving time and money.

There are generally three stages within the life cycle of drug. Here are the main stages and some ideas on how you can increase efficiency every step of the way:

Discovery – Pre-clinical Trials
Discovery is the very first stage in getting your product to market. At this point your scientists will be using pre-clinical storage fridges, freezers, incubators, labs, clean rooms and environmental chambers. At this vital stage of the cycle ensuring the optimisation of your work flow is paramount to your molecule’s success.

Cutting out arduous data reporting can free up precious time for your researchers to get on with what they do best!

Development – Clinical Trials
Once you have a clear discovery to develop, the same facilities will be in use from fridges, freezers, incubators, labs, clean rooms, environmental chambers and analytical labs. One of the biggest concerns you might run in to in terms of your efficiency is managing your projects across multiple sites.

When the development of your product necessitates multi-site management and the use of third party contract labs, the key is to employ a system that not only allows you to share information at the click of a button but allows you to monitor every one of your chambers world-wide, in real-time.

Delivery – Data Analysed/Commercialisation
On the delivery of your product there are again a plethora of different ways to ensure consistency and efficiency and maximise the value of your molecule.

Are you using your own production facilities or outsourcing the production? How can you ensure the legitimacy of the product you have developed all the way through the production process? This is relevant within your own facilities and the ones you outsource to.

Your first point of call is your cold chain logistics network. Consider how you’re shipping your products, where you’re shipping them to and how you can ensure real-time monitoring of their conditions.

You also need to think about your commercial storage and warehouses, this could be domestic or overseas. You need a system that is robust enough to monitor your product anywhere in the world.

A streamlined electronic data capture platform provides high quality, cost effective data at every stage in the life cycle.

If you have concerns over the integrity of your monitoring data in any stage of the life cycle of a drug or are interested in how Hark can help you make your processes more efficient and manageable, get in touch.

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