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Introduction to Alarms

Alarms are a powerful feature of the Twin Engine that integrates well with our Automations against a Model, or Organization-wide. You can define arbitrary Alarms that make sense your requirements by Activating Alarms with an Automation.

Alarms have a set of properties on them that help describe the Alarm itself such as a Name, Type, Severity, Status and Opened Timestamp.

NameThe name given to this instance of an Alarm to recognise the Alarm
TypeA Unique Type of Alarm used to Identify the Alarm, similar to an Identifier
StatusWhether the Alarm is Active or Cleared
SeverityAn Alarm Severity such as Warning, Minor, Major and Critical
Model IDOptional Model ID to link an Alarm to a Model
Opened AtWhen the instance of the Alarm was first activated
Updated AtWhen the instance of the Alarm was last updated, such as a Severity change

What Makes a Unique Alarm in the Twin Engine?

In the Twin Engine, identifying Alarms is made up of two things, the Alarm Type and the optional Model ID. To explain this further, we've included the table below to describe the combination of Alarm Type and Model ID that makes a unique Alarm.

Alarm TypeModel ID
HighTemperatureNot Provided.
LowTemperatureNot Provided.

The Alarm Type should be used as an identifier to identify the type of Alarm that has been activated. This could be HighTemperature, LowTemperature or anything you would like. If no Model ID has been set against a Model,

When a Model ID has been set against an Alarm, you'll be able to see the alarms history when viewing a Model, under the Alarms tab. You can use the filters such as Date Range, Status and Severity to filter the history of Alarms.

Why is this Important?

When activating, updating or clearing Alarms in Automations, you'll need to ensure that the configuration of your Alarm Type & Model ID matches. For example, if my Automation activates an Alarm with the type HighTemperature and Model ID first-floor-fridge-1, I'll want to use the same Alarm Type and Model ID when creating an Automation to automatically clear that Alarm if those conditions have returned to normal operation.