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Fighting Climate Change at Machine Learning Leeds

Angus giving a talk

Thursday 5th of March marked our first appearance at Machine Learning Leeds, which brought together leading tech firms from across Leeds to demonstrate how they are utilising machine learning.  Our expert Data Scientist, Angus took to the stage to talk about how machine learning could be utilised to aid the worldwide fight against global warming.  

As a company, we are consistently helping businesses improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon emissions. Angus’s talk investigated all the potential areas where machine learning could be integrated to combat climate change. He delved into 5 core areas; energy systems, transportation, buildings and cities and finally farms and forests.  

He looked into exciting initiatives that are currently in place such as forecasting power generation and demand. Countries have begun using renewable energy source to reduce the reliance on traditional gas and coal, however, renewable sources fluctuate frequently and therefore currently cannot provide a consistent and stable supply of energy. However, machine learning has the power to forecast future renewable power generation, alongside predicting the demand on the grid, helping to stabilise usage over time and cut reliance on polluting plants.  

This was just one of the potential projects that Angus discussed in his speech but the true potential of machine learning in terms of fighting climate change cannot be underestimated. If you would like to find out more about the topic area, then visit the Climate Change AI paper.  

If you missed the speech but would like to find out more about how IoT and machine learning can drastically reduce your carbon footprint, then get in touch.  

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