Upload a Dataset

On this page we’ll walk you through how to upload a dataset in Hark’s Meter Readings module.

In the left hand menu of the Hark Platform, navigate to the Meter Readings Module and select Datasets.

Meter Readings Upload Dataset

Once you click ‘Upload a Dataset’ you’ll see the following upload screen

uploading energy datasets to hark platform

You’ll also see some handy example data, available for download and links back to our getting started guide.

Energy Tools currently supports csv or zip file uploads. You’ll receive an error message if the file type is incompatible.

Give your upload a name, select the energy type, whether your data is in row or column format and finally if it has headers. Once you’ve done that click ‘Upload File’. 👍

*You’ll also see some handy example data, available for download and links back to our getting started guide.*

**Hark Meter Readings currently supports csv or zip file uploads. You’ll receive an error message if the file type is incompatible.**


Once you click ‘Upload File’ you’ll be taken back to the datasets page.

Here you’ll see your file name, when it was created, status, the number of readings and the energy type.

Meter Readings Upload Dataset

Once the status is complete click on your data set to get those insights! 📉

Once you’ve clicked on your dataset you’ll be greeted with a dashboard showing :

  • Dataset Summary
  • Consumption Summary
  • Guides and Tips
  • Daily Profile
  • Average Daily Profile
  • Time of Day Profile
  • Forecasts

Energy Tools Module within the Hark Platform

If you have any suggestions for improvements please tell us – Contact Us

Ready to get started with Meter Readings?