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We Live Monitored The PlaceTech Trend Talk!

On Friday, we were invited by the guys at PlaceTech to exhibit the Hark Platform and discuss the latest innovations and research in proptech.

As part of the Mi Idea community, Hark was one of three companies asked to showcase our technology and demonstrate its place within the growing conversation around smart buildings and cities.

The PlaceTech Trend Talk started with a really insightful presentation from Tom Renn, Managing Director at Manchester Science Partnerships and Bev Taylor, Energy Manager at Bruntwood. They shared their thoughts on energy usage monitoring and the idea of working towards a smart grid.

After some more talks into the importance of your office environment and even the role of BlockChain within proptech, we were invited on stage to explain the Hark Platform and were involved in a lively discussion on pertinent smart building issues with our piers.

After the presentations, delegates were invited to visit our stand where we showed live information on the temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in the Bright Building.

You can clearly see from the graphs when the guests began to arrive, where there were breaks in agenda for networking and when the room began to empty out.
Hark Ambient Temperature Monitoring

Hark Humidity Monitoring

Hark CO2 Monitoring

If you’re interested in finding out how we’re working within the smart buildings sector and how our technology could be relevant to you, get in touch today!

Jordan Appleson
Jordan Appleson

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