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Clearing the Air: Understanding the Cloud

There are many fears and questions surrounding the legitimacy of the Cloud. The idea of company data held and accessed via the Cloud can spur up anxiety for those who remain unbeknown to its benefits. However, protection, security and efficiency to reach real-time data and information is what the Cloud really offers to its users.

Case in point, the Cloud is the force behind some of the most progressive industries in the world and if you want to keep up then it may be time to catch up with the Cloud.

Here at Hark we use Microsoft Azure, a Cloud-based platform to store our client’s and our own data. There are several reasons why we place our trust in the Azure platform and questions over security come second to none when you realise the multitude of benefits that the Cloud can bring.

Perhaps the ultimate feature of the Cloud is that all data is transported from the Cloud to you via the internet so you can access your data no matter where you are. However, the technicalities of the Cloud are really where its service starts to shine.

One of these technicalities ultimately defeats anxieties over security and unreliability. A method called ‘geo-redundancy’, which essentially means securely storing copies of your data across different data centre locations. This will secure your data against server failures i.e power outages to fires, even explosions or severe bad weather.

When disaster strikes, these copies of your data ensure you’ll still be able to access and view your data, in real-time, like nothing has changed.


Another invaluable feature that the Cloud offers is the gift of speed and efficiency, allowing companies to make informed decisions at an instant. Meaning that companies are able to gather real-time information and secure reports from data instantaneously. Above all else, this data is inalterable therefore it’s secure from rouge users inputting random or incorrect data and leaves your data impartial, truthful and genuine.

Cloud Storage is leading the way for data management and missing out on it now because of anxieties against it may mean more than it just being counter-productive.

To hear more from industry experts Jordan Appleson, CEO of Hark and Jon Mudd the Managing Director and Lead Consultant of J-GMP Consultancy (UK)Ltd, read J-GMP’s post on the Fear of the Cloud.

Jordan Appleson
Jordan Appleson

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