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Preparing Energy Index Data

Hark’s Energy Index module accepts daily data in a few different formats. In this guide you’ll learn how to prepare your data to get the most out of it. It should save you time too! ⏱️

Supported File Formats

We currently only accept CSV or ZIP files.

You may insert several sites/assets into one CSV file (marked by different ID’s) or upload a ZIP folder containing several datasets. This saves you concatenating many datasets and helps to save space.

If you do upload a ZIP folder, the CSV files in it must be in the same format.


File structure

Files must be structured in a particular way, where each column is a metric (date, energy consumption, etc) and each row is an entry. You can have as many rows as you like, but columns have specific requirements. We’ll go through what should be in each column below.

This column should hold a unique identifier for the meter/asset/site that corresponds to the entry.

IDs can be any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

E.g. ‘Leeds – Bakery’, or ‘S 01 801 101 22 6130 5588 165’.

This column should hold the date for the entry.

The Energy Index currently supports daily data, and dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

E.g. 2022-01-01

This column should hold the dependent variable for the entry, usually energy consumption in kWh.

This can be any value that you are looking to optimise, such as Energy Consumption or Solar Energy Generation.

Values in each row must be numeric.

This column should hold the postcode value for the entry.

It is optional, but required if you would like to match up your data to heating and cooling degree days.

Columns from 5 onwards (or 4 without a postcode column) hold the independent variables of your data.

These could be Sales, Store Type, Occupancy, etc, namely anything that can affect your dependent variable.

These values can be numerical values, E.g. Sales figures, site area, etc.

These values can be categorical text values, E.g. Store Type: Warehouse, Superstore, Local Store, etc.

The Energy Index currently supports from 0 to 7 independent variables.

If you have any suggestions for improvements please tell us – Contact Us

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