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Climate Change a Bigger Crisis Than Covid-19?

If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it would be the appreciation of 'the knowing', to enable us to plan responses and solutions which now seems like a distant memory.
The Future Of Energy

The pandemic has caused massive disruptions and companies have had to react quickly but as a consequence, some climate policies and implementing sustainable changes has fallen on the back burner.

As the huge climate activist, David Attenborough says “If we act now, we can put it right”


We believe it is important to be proactive to work towards The Paris Agreement and to become carbon neutral by 2050. Companies can contribute to sustainability by becoming more energy efficient. Our mission is to aid companies on their journey to becoming more sustainable by implementing innovative technology that monitors and controls energy consumption. Historically economic growth is consistent with an increase in energy consumption and over the years there has been a constant incline, however the pandemic has flipped this growth on its head.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the grid was predicted to rise, but in actual fact it dipped. So, although, everyone was based remotely the closures of large offices and manufacturing units meant less energy was consumed during lockdown. However, now that restrictions are lifting, and non-home-based workers are returning it means we can predict a rise in energy consumption due to combined remote-workers and now opened manufacturing sites.


Due to the predicted rise in the demand for energy, the grid will see increased pressure which is not a sustainable solution for long term. To achieve sustainability, the UK needs to move away from a centralised system to a decentralised grid structure. In order to do this, we need to move to decentralised grids, one of the ways to do this is the popular option of battery storage which has actually quadrupled in capacity over the past four years.

This also gives individuals greater control over their energy consumption along with better operational reduction in cost.

Microgrids also can integrate more renewables into the system. Renewables are renowned for their unstable supply as they are dependent on environmental factors such as weather. In order to achieve a stable supply of energy, you can integrate IoT devices which stabilise supply and predict renewable rates. With IoT and AI combined, weather patterns can be predicted and monitoring current production rates. This allow excess energy to be stored and determine when is the best time to go off-grid based on usage and weather patterns. The benefits of sourcing energy from renewables is that the likes of wind power have one of the lowest levels of emission which also contribute to decarbonisation.

We believe that energy should be used efficiently, focusing on microgrids would allow us to do this by taking the pressure away from The National Grid. Take for example our previous case study where we took the 70,000 sq ft Bright Building off-grid.

Reducing Consumption

In terms of more immediate solutions, companies can try to tackle their carbon emissions by reducing their energy consumption paired with an increased use in renewable energy sources.

Research shows that supermarkets use around 3% of the UK’s energy consumption. With the biggest savings being available in HVAC systems, lightening and refrigeration, which altogether account for 90% of the energy consumption.

Our energy monitoring solution combines IoT and AI to deliver unprecedented insight into energy consumption, right down to an asset level. The solution also provides automated control of assets, so energy is only used as and when it is needed. Meaning if there is enough daylight, internal lights can be automatically dimmed which thereby reduces overall energy usage.

Through the Hark Platform, users can run a predictive maintenance schedule that will help to reduce any excess energy production and resulting carbon emissions. The platform creates a nominal usage and perform pattern for each asset and will flag up when they go outside of this realm. By using our solution, you can know you are operating effectively and remain continuously efficient.

Our energy monitoring system is a one-way solution to the future and to helping reach our 2050 goal. Every step which is taken now is a step closer to reaching our goals to be carbon neutral, if you would like to be part of the future get in touch!  

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